MemTest also passed with no bad sectors in my RAM. I've also run other rendering programs/done stability testing, and everything checks out. (And regardless of if I render if software only mode or not). I know that integrated graphics is NOT ideal, but the same problems persist whether I have hardware acceleration enabled or disabled. camproj file with all the slices together, and re-render it to make it one video instead of many.

camproj files into 2 minute long pieces, render each one separately, and then make a new. The only way to produce a video is to split the. I've noticed this happens when camtasaia hits anything over 2.2 Gb of RAM. During editing the program routinely freezes-I've noticed it happen on my i7 any time the processor hits above 40%.After about 10 minutes the webcam is completely frozen. After about 3 minutes of capturing the webcam during a screen recording the audio and video are no longer even close to synced.I thought the problem was my school computer being an under-powered i3 with just 8 GB of RAM, and integrated graphics but my home machine is an i7 (8086K) with 16GB of ram (still integrated graphics), and I'm getting the same issues: I know this thread is REALLY old, but.IT'S NECRO TIME!Īnyone running 64bit windows 10 having issues with Camtasia 8? I've got it on my Home, and School computer, both on Windows 10, both having some real stability issues with this program.