This last title is very close to the dictionary definition, and is the correct basis for any discussion about opera. The earliest Italian operas were called several things, such as “favola in musica” (fable in music) and “dramma per musica” (drama by means of music). It is considered by many to be the most complete art form, combining all of the elements of art, words, music, drama and dance. Opera is a dramatic story told through song. To learn about opera etiquette - such as what to wear and how early to arrive - click this link. To learn more about the history and practice of opera, simply scroll below and enjoy! Opera has a rich and fascinating history and is also a vibrant art form that is continuing to grow today. The more you know about something, the more you can enjoy it.

Whether you are attending an opera performance for the first time or simply need a refresher course, you probably have questions about the art form.